Portion Paw® The Perfect Portion Scoop and Bag Clip in One for Pet Food 3 Cup Sizes in 1 For ANY SIZE Dog or Cat to Stay Healthy BPA Free Green Perfect Gift for a Puppy
Introducing the PORTION PAW! For your dog, cat or any other pets! A UNIQUE and INNOVATIVE portion control product designed to make life easy for you. With 3 sizes in 1, the PORTION PAW can help any size dog or cat, from puppy to adult or from kitten to adult… The Portion Paw is great if you are trying to lean your dog or cat out as well. It clips right to your bag of food to help keep it fresh. There are over 160 million cats and dogs in the United States and over half of them are overweight, which can cause all types of health problems for your dog or cat. The Portion Paw is here to help get your dog or cat healthy! They are so easy to use! Keep your dog or cat healthy with the PORTION PAW.