ToysOpoly Pet Playpen 45″ Exercise Puppy Pen Kennel – Best for Dogs and Cats Safe in Their Play-pen While Protecting The Little Kids – Folding Design Easy Storage (Blue)
QUESTION 1: Is the space ok or too small for a pinscher to be all day long? I have to bring her to work, so she doesn´t stay alone. ANSWER: You can leave favorite pet inside the whole day. Just leave a bed + some toys are you will be good. QUESTION 2: I have 2 Yorkie puppies who will each be about 5 lbs. Is there enough room for both or should I get a larger playpen?ANSWER: Depends. If they are in there to sleep and play there is enough time, but if you would like to include the food bowls and water, It will be OK. I have a 10 pound Yorkie and I make it her home away from home apartment when we are out of town (with bedding, toys, food, water). All in all I really love how transportable it is. QUESTION 3: Is the playpen washable? I have an aging dog who is peeing a lot more frequently and I am sure she will have an accident in the pen. ANSWER: YES, this play tent can be washable. It’s quite big for washing machine, however, you can use water spray. QUESTION 4: How can I make the playpen stay at one place? ANSWER: There are 4 stainless steel anchor that came with this set. You can use them to secure the tent. QUESTION 5: I have an 11 lb dog- will there be enough room? Can she knock it over?ANSWER: We have 11 lb dog active dogs, and she can’t get out. It’s perfect for her. QUESTION 6: The door/flap in the front, is it lockable?ANSWER: Top and Doors are zipable. Those zipper are made with the highest quality. It’s almost impossible for dog/cat to get out! We can guarantee it. QUESTION 6: I am looking to take in two kittens, will this work for them? I have school so I cannot be home with them all the time?ANSWER: This is very large, we are sure it can fit more than 3 cats.