Wag More Bark Less Cap & Magnet Bundle (Blue)
Everyone in the office snatched up at least one of these before we even had a chance to photograph them. Possibly the best hat we’ve ever put our name on. Their soft, brushed cotton and relaxed fit feels great on your head, and the Velcro closure makes adjusting this cap a breeze. Emblazoned with the Wag More Bark Less mantra (imagine if everyone lived by this motto!). One size fits most. SPREAD THE WORD! Hey, don’t you think that “Wag More, Bark Less” is something that we all should practice a little more? (and we don’t just mean the dogs, either!). For those people afraid of the long term commitment inherent with an adhesive bumper sticker, we now have automotive magnets too! (Or stick one to your refrigerator for a smile as you reach for that midnight snack – mint chocolate chip anyone?). These durable vinyl magnets will resist fading. Choose from multiple colors in oval Wag More Bark Less design. In the color chart the first color listed is the background color, and the second color listed is the font color. Apply to any flat magnetic surface: refrigerators, filing cabinets, cars… anything you can imagine!