Dog Tennis Balls – 6 Small, High Quality, Tennis Balls – The Little Dog’s Balls – Small Dog Balls, Small Dog Ball, Dog Toy for Puppies, Small Dogs or Cute Cats. For Puppy Exercise, Puppy Play, Small Dog Play, Puppy Training and Fetch. For a Smaller Mouth and Too Small for Chuckit Launchers, No Squeaker, the King Kong of Little Dog Balls! Woof Woof:)
The Little Dog’s Balls are fun for all of your little pet family. They look like a human tennis ball, they feel like a human tennis ball, and they bounce like a human tennis ball – but they are not a human tennis ball – they are The Little Dog’s Balls. All our little dogs want is to play with their own balls and that is why we have finally created a little dog tennis ball specifically designed for our sweet and lovable little dogs. These smaller tennis balls are for our smaller breeds and puppies, they are our little dog’s balls. The little dog’s balls for little dogs. The little dog’s balls to play with and to exercise your little dogs. These little balls are like a little dog supplement as they exercise our little dogs to keep our smaller pets healthy – the best thing for a dog’s health. The Little Dog’s Balls, designed and made by humans, tested on small dogs, for small dogs and puppies. 9 out of 10 little dogs who played with The Little Dog’s Balls rolled around and said ‘yep yep yep!’ 🙂